Friday, February 15, 2013

Stephanie Rice of Vidicom & Citybuzz Marketing Director

Stephanie Rice was the Marketing Director of Vidicom. Read and learn about Vidicom and Citybuzz before doing business with them. Stephanie Rice served as the marketing director of Vidicom.

1 comment:

  1. I too was the Marketing Director for Vidicom and Citybuzz and had to run far away! Christy had us trying to sell non-existent media with the belief that she could take the advertisers AND THEN convince the media to run the program.

    She was/is a mess, a tyrant and so full of herself that it was often difficult to watch. Living proof that money and brains are in no way connected. She ran or still runs in circles with Perlman, Bloomberg and others who are proof positive that you can be an idiot and a billionaire.

    There were meetings with clients where her connections got us in the door, but her personality had us being shown the door pretty quickly.

    Once time we sat with the guy with all the purse strings for a major major company, and with her bug-eyed, drug induced, botox-frozen face shamelessly flirted with the dude - who we subsequently never heard from again.

    I could go on, but this was refreshing enough.
